Its that time of year again..  Every year SoundSkool attends the legendary Ultimate Seminar event at The University Of Westminster and we were back again this year!  In our opinion this is the best music seminar in the world and its absolutely FREEEE..

The line up that Ultimate Seminar put together this year is absolutely ridiculous filled with some of the top music industry partners worldwide. The day is set up with a selection of panels from different parts of the music business, these range from Lawyers to management to artists!

Just to name a few of the partners who attended and shared all their knowledge along with tips & tricks to get ahead: PRSISLAND RECORDSVIRGIN EMICASIO MUSICCAPITOL RECORDSMINISTRY OF SOUNDBMISPITFIRE AUDIO

MASSIVE LOVE TO KWAME+NIKKI+ANDREA for putting together another amazing year at TUS #TheUltimateSeminar

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