Yesterday we went to visit the UNITAS youth centre in burnt oak to talk to some of the young people about pursuing a career in music at SoundSkool. We were treated to a tour of the building and we got to see all of the amazing facilities they have for young people… It is truly amazing the amount of spaces that are available and activities for young people to access… We were blown away with the building that included; A floodlit rooftop astro turf football pitch, rock climbing wall, dance studio, music studio, full gym, basketball court, gaming areas and much much more!
Alessandro is a current level 3 year 1 student at SoundSkool, he is also the year 1 student representative who came to talk directly to young people about student life at SoundSkool. Alessandro explained to young people about all the different units that studnets undertake, the masterclasses, external shows and industry links that can be accessed at the college. We are very much looking forward to working more with UNITAS and keep an eye out for future collaborations….
Some pictures below…..